
Individual therapy – Clients calling our office are typically interested in either individual, couples, family therapy or group therapy/support groups. All services that we offer usually begin with a description of the presenting problems that triggered setting up the appointment. This is typically followed by a general history-taking and a specific inquiry into the history of the presenting problem. A treatment plan is then formulated, with a rough estimation of how long it may take to address the problem, and the frequency of sessions to follow. The focus of most adult individual therapy is the resolution of troubling symptoms that are interfering with one’s quality of life, in the areas of relationships, work, sleep, or leisure.

Couples therapy is usually conducted with both clients in the room at the same time, although there are special circumstances where individual meetings are also scheduled. “The client” in these circumstances is usually the relationship itself, with treatment efforts geared toward repairing and strengthening the bond that has been neglected, compromised, or injured.

Family therapy is usually offered by one or two therapist to an entire family of any size. “The Client” in these cases is the entire family. A frequent assumption is that something in the way the family operates may be inadvertently, but significantly contributing to symptoms being displayed by a particular family member.